
Target group

Primarily for employees who need a linguistic lift (a “brush-up”) before participating in conferences, seminars, continuing professional development courses or further education in English.

Course objectives

  • To increase participants’ knowledge of the relevant professional terminology they will hear in meetings and at conferences, seminars or courses.
  • To provide participants with the opportunity for expressing themselves actively in English in the above academic contexts.


Based on the participants’ own conference, seminar or course material, participants are led in discussions, question rounds, cases and presentation skills, as well as both the active and passive skills involved in the vocabulary with which they might come into contact during the conference, seminar or course.

For this course, Virksomhedsskolens’ instructors situate themselves within the conference or course materials, which the participants have to use so that there is a basis for constructive dialogue between participants and instructors.




The number of lessons may vary from 4 to 40 lessons, depending on the starting level and desired final level. The course can be taken as private lessons or in groups, in house or at our offices.

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