
Cancellation of course
Courses may be cancelled without charge up to 30 days prior to the course start date.
For courses cancelled 29 to 15 days prior to the course start date, 75% of the course fee will be refunded.
For courses cancelled 14 to 7 days prior to the course start date, 50% of the course fee will be refunded.
For courses cancelled 6 to 0 days prior to the course start date, the course fee will not be refunded.

Deferral of course starts
In the event that you should be unavailable to participate on the course, you may defer your enrolment to the following semester. You may defer your course start up to four weeks prior to the start date without charge.
If deferring your course later than four weeks before the start date, you will be required to pay 10% of the participant fee.
If deferring your course later than two weeks before the start date, you will be required to pay 25% of the participant fee.
It is not possible to defer participation to another course with less than 48-hour notice, but you may transfer your place to a colleague.