Personal Data Policy

Virksomhedsskolen A/S (VKS) in Copenhagen and Aarhus

IT infrastructure and security May 2018

Only when you log on to a computer with a valid VKS account is access to VKS systems and network drives opened. All employees in VKS administration are instructed to shut down their computer every time they leave it and the computer can only be opened with a password. If an employee has access to his work email on his private phone, it is set to only be accessible with a password.
The VKS website is supported by our IT supplier. The site has an SSL certificate, which ensures that personal information cannot be stolen when entered on the website, as the information is encrypted. The server is located in a fully monitored data center and is subject to their monitoring and security policies.
In addition to the employees in the administration, the following external suppliers have access to VKS systems: Our IT supplier has full access to our website.
Our state-authorised accountant has full access to systems regarding auditing, accounting preparation and consultancy.
Our IT supplier has an administrator login for all VKS servers and systems. In addition, access to remotely control a PC and access the network drive.
Our customer database is on the network drive, also here a password is required for access for the individual employees at VKS. In the case of an active customer relationship, data is stored as long as necessary to service the customer. If the customer relationship is terminated, data is stored for up to 3 years. The customer can at any time ask for insight or deletion of his data in our customer database.

Data Protection Advisor

The business school’s data protection advisor is:

Consultant Annette Mikkelsen – E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: +45 3325 7070.

The duties of the data protection advisers are:

  1. To inform and advise the organization and employees about data protection.

  2. To monitor and check that the safety rules work and are observed by the employees.

  3. To cooperate with the Data Protection Authority and be the contact person for this.

It is the data protection advisor’s task to be a case manager for inquiries from the registered citizens in connection with the exercise of their rights, but the data protection advisor can only pass on questions and inquiries to the appropriate employee.


What information do we collect?
If you register for a course with us as a private person via our website, you must provide your name, address, telephone number and email address. If you are registered by your workplace, we ask for your name, telephone and email address.

What do we use your information for?
We must use your personal information to inform you/you about where the teaching will take place
and at what times. Or to communicate with you/you about any cancellations and changes. In addition, we register you in our student database so that we have an overview of who is currently attending classes at the school.

How long do we store your information?
When you are registered for a class, you will be registered in our course database. In accordance with the Accounting Act, we store your information for five years from the end of the financial year to which the material relates. This means that we delete your information five years after you last registered for a course with us.

You can call us at any time on 3325 7070 or write to us at [email protected] if you wish to have your information corrected.


What information do we collect?
When you are going to teach at VKS, we always ask you to provide your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and your education and bank account, CPR number and relevant tax information.

What do we use your information for?
We use the information to send the employment contract, room information, team lists and other relevant information about the holding of the course and to pay you a salary.

Your information will be registered in our course database and with the payroll office. In connection with payroll runs, we obtain tax information from SKAT. When your payslip has been processed, we send it to e-box. We store all payslips electronically in our payroll system.

How long do we store your information?
According to the Accounting Act, we store your information for five years from the end of the financial year to which the material relates. This means that we delete your information five years after you have resigned. You can contact us at any time and have your information corrected. In accordance with the Bookkeeping Act, we cannot delete your information upon request.


If you send an e-mail with an application for a vacant position at the school, we receive and store it electronically in a separate mailbox. If we have received a physical application or if we have printed out an application, this is kept securely at the school.

Both the electronic and physical applications are deleted or shredded no later than one year after they have been received and the relevant application and employment process has been completed.

You are welcome to contact us in case you have any questions:
Christian Planck tlf. +453325 7070. E-mail: [email protected].