Negotiation technique

This course is aimed at those who need to train and re-evaluate their negotiation techniques and methods in order to be able to conduct negotiations more professionally and with greater results. 

You will learn to:
•    prepare professionally for negotiations
•    determine your and your counterparts requirements
•    see the process from different perspectives
•    strengthen your argumentation and impact
•    avoid unintentional reactions, such as being aggressive or condescending
•    reflect on your own experiences and on which methods work and why
•    master a range of different negotiation techniques
•    Conclude a round of negotiations with the desired result
Course content
The course content will alternate between theoretical instruction and practical training based upon your specific work tasks. You will be introduced to a range of different tools that will support and structure your negotiation technique in your daily work. 
•    Professional preparation
•    Building bridges over the communications gap
•    The six-phase negotiation model
•    Negotiation style and instruments
•    Creating a win-win situation for both parties
•    Standpoint  and problem-solving negotiations
•    Concluding negotiations with a sustainable result
•    The 20 good tips


Instruction methods
The course will be held over two days, enabling a wide range of practical and realistic exercises. You will be involved in many real-life negotiation exercises based upon the type of negotiations you face - or will come to face in your job. 
The instructor will give you relevant and constructive criticism of your presentations throughout, and will provide advice and offer tools for you to use after the course has finished. 
The practical training will be supported by a presentation of relevant theories, and you will receive a course manual packed with theories, practical directions and checklists to support and inspire you after the course. 

This two-day course is held from 9am to 4pm and can be held throughout the year on dates of your own choosing. 

The course can be held on your premises or at Virksomhedsskolen's centrally located facilities in Copenhagen. (please note that instructor travel expenses apply for courses held outside the Copenhagen area).

Highly professional instructor with many years' practical experience from the public and private sectors and relevant theoretical business qualifications.